Welcome to Writer Thursdays, where I unpack my novel writing process from start to finish.
Today, I’ve decided to create a graphic blend to represent my hero and heroine. This is for fun and not client-based or commercial work, hence I’m able to use some graphics I might not otherwise be able to blend in to bring the creation to life. Here are some details about what we’ll be working with:
Heroine: Emily Ruhl
Hero: Noah Mills
For the hero and heroine, images are easily found on Google. For stock imagery, I sift through stock photos from Pixabay and Unsplash, or other similar commercial free sites. I tend to search as I’m progressing as sometimes I’ll find a killer photo with a component I want to use, but it ends up clashing with the flow.
Here are some snapshots of how I compiled the images (click for larger view):
As you can see, between the third and fourth image, that dead tree wasn’t working anymore. I exchanged for a more verdant plant. It wasn’t exactly what I was looking for, but if you’ve ever seen my drawing skills you’d run the other direction. So verdant stalk-like plant it is.
In regard to the dragon, this I found on a wallpaper site with no artist name attached. But it’s already become strong inspiration for one of the dragons who will appear through the TREE portal. I can’t wait to meet this guy.
Once I have all the pieces in order and to the best effect, next is coloring. This is the area that can make or break the effect on an image, so I tend to use layers and layers of coloring, filters, and play with shadow and light until I can call forth the right feel for the piece. On the left below is the end result, but some days a grayer, drearier existence (right) can have a strong effect.
This sucker took me several hours to complete, but I still spent days afterward tweaking the colors. Although it doesn’t fully capture Nefira and Ronin’s adventure, it does give a glimpse into the deeper underbelly of how the portals work. Psst… near Ronin gives a strong view of this.
Anywho… that’s it. Doing blends like this takes a lot of practice, and a ton of mistakes. But they can be a fun way to kill time and get to know the characters in your world.
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Cool! I need to try some of this!