And if I ever say ^that line again, punch me.
In August of this year (2017), I entered a brand new Twitter competition called WonderPitch. It was new, fairly small, and run by two amazing ladies: Jeanna Skinner & Emma Finlayson-Palmer.
I didn’t expect much, honestly, because my story and pitches seemed to strike out about everywhere. But hey, what better way to meet other writers and hone your pitching skills? The morning of announcements, I’d slept past my alarm. By the time I woke up and flipped on my phone, Twitter had blown up. The winners were announced, and holy crap I’d won first place. I just sat there staring at my phone wondering if I was in the right universe.
Here’s my fun pitch that snagged their attention:
Kinra’s pissed she’s been swallowed by a dragon, but how else is she going to save the king’s ass and rescue her son? #WonderPitch #A #F
This pitch is for my adult fantasy novel: BLOOD & FIRE, ASH & BONE, currently out on query. The competition was tons of fun, I got to meet some amazing new writers, and the WonderPitch critique feedback was spot on. These are some wonderful, talented ladies!
If you’re interested in future competitions, want to stalk the awesome Jeanna & Emma, or need an editor/mentor for your work, check them out on Twitter, poke around the #WonderPitch hashtag or follow their blog.
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