Hello Everyone!
After three years of hosting Winterviews on this site, I’m so excited to announce that we have a new home! I’ve partnered up with author Ellie Doores and romance author Lexi Miles to bring the new website and social media accounts to life as we take Winterviews into the future.
Over the next sixteen weeks, we’ll be moving all the old Winterviews articles to the new site. The original articles will continue to be archived here, but all new interviews from this moment forward will be launched on the new site.
And this year, we’re going to be interviewing some of the wonderful writer communities out there, so be sure to subscribe to the Winterviews blog and join us December 21st as we kickoff the fourth season.
Join Us in Our New Home
Website | Twitter | Instagram | Follow along on #13Winterviews

K. J. Harrowick has designed holiday gift ideas from cards to ornaments to book totes for authors. Visit the holiday shop