Truth? Hands down I’m a Science Fiction and Fantasy nerd. Doesn’t matter what form it comes in, chances are I’m going to read, watch or listen, even if it’s full of the same old stuff so many other stories offer. However, there does come a point where I start to get nit-picky.
YA: Sure, there’s some decent stories out there, and I have been surprised before. The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd is a perfect example. When I first set out to read this book, I was really skeptical. However, Sue crafted her words in such a way that you feel the characters come to life without sacrificing the language to support younger minds. For the most part, I prefer to keep YA (and most children’s) stories far out of my reach. Back room please!
Why? I’m an adult, and I like adulting.
So I’ve taken the plunge into Goodreads to start building up my library of read/want to read. Probably because there are books out there I’ve enjoyed in the past and can’t for the life of me remember what they were. Anyone who wishes to connect can friend me here.