Well, I decided on a new project. Not that I have any extra time in my life to do something new, but you might say I had a major reality …
Take the Kid Gloves Off
One of my beta readers said this to me a few weeks ago, and it’s amazing the impact those five little words have had. She was absolutely one hundred percent …
Oh Happy Friday!
Three of my favorite words. Long ago when I worked in an office, Friday meant wrapping up the week, looking forward to more sleep, and two whole days where I …
The Reading List
Truth? Hands down I’m a Science Fiction and Fantasy nerd. Doesn’t matter what form it comes in, chances are I’m going to read, watch or listen, even if it’s full …
Secrets of Sgådnor
Well, it’s official: My manuscript for this story is done, my query is done, and my synopsis is a giant pile of poo. But it’s getting there. A HUGE …