It’s been nine months since the last season of Writer In Motion, and if you caught yesterday’s post you’ll see why we’ve had to keep modifying the start date—life is …

It’s been nine months since the last season of Writer In Motion, and if you caught yesterday’s post you’ll see why we’ve had to keep modifying the start date—life is …
Hello all! It’s been a crazy year so far, and amid all the chaos there are still some exciting things happening in my life. So go ahead and pull up …
… and every origin story can be found somewhere in the chaos. Over the last decade I’ve been working on a book called BLOODFLOWER, a story that began with an …
It’s WriteHive Eve! Tomorrow will kick off a huge online convention, and you’re all invited. “WriteHive is designed to be a hub—a ‘convention center’ where attendees visit. but, like any …
Hi all! It’s finally starting to get warm here in the Pacific Northwest, which means more time to curl up in the sun and read some books. In fact, I …