To celebrate 13 weeks of winter, Hàlön Chronicles will be conducting one interview a week for 13 weeks. We’ve also partnered with additional artists and authors for a few surprises throughout the winter. Join us on the hashtag #13Winterviews, or check out our blog hop for a sneak peek at who’s on the roster in the coming weeks.
Hosted by: K. J. Harrowick
1. First off, tell us a little bit about who you are and what type of books you write.
I’m a science fiction writer. I live in rural Kansas, currently, though we are hoping to move to the Pacific Northwest coast sometime soon. My hubster is an art teacher and is very supportive of my writing. I just, um, made him read my second novel for the fourth time and he didn’t complain… Well… He didn’t complain too much. He loves reading my books. I love him.
2. What projects are you working on these days?
I’m querying my second book. Ripping apart my first book, again, and writing what looks to be a space pirate story. I say looks because I’m a pantser and everything looks to be something until it’s not when you write with a blank page.

3. Do you have any strong social or political statements your work aims to represent?
I try to work with themes that make people look inward and assess themselves. But outright social and political statements? I’ll let my readers determine if I’m making one or not.
4. Who is your favourite dragon?
I don’t really do dragons… Though the really scary dragon in Reign of Fire was AWESOME!
5. What is your favourite spaceship?
I like the new Star Trek spaceship. Discovery. The really cool Tardigrade/spore drive engine is sooooooo cool!
6. Favourite wind-down-after-a-hard-day beverage?
During the winter, it has to be a hot-buttered rum. I make the best. Two shots of water, a tablespoon of butter, a tablespoon of brown sugar, sprinkle of cinnamon, clove, and nutmeg. Boil in the microwave (1.5 minutes-ish?) until the sugar is dissolved. Add a shot of rum. Add a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Serve.
Host note: This drink is awesome with whiskey.
Want to know more about Angela? You can check out her blog: Little Wing Blue, hang out with her on Twitter, or stalk her on Facebook.
Don’t forget to check back on more Winterviews and partner interviews.
Not sure what’s better, the interview or the buttered rum recipe. I have to make that!