Welcome to Debut!
An ongoing series on Hàlön Chronicles to highlight debut authors and their novels. Today we’re catching up with author Deborah L. King and her novel, Glory Bishop.
“The author vividly paints a picture of the scenes from Chicago’s streets and the people who make it come alive.”
— Miranda Bell
Tell us about yourself.
By day, I’m a graphic specialist on a medical journal. I get to spend my days working with radiological images. Growing up, I wanted to be a cook, a teacher, a model, an artist, a photographer, and an author. To date, I have cooked for and catered several receptions; taught Sunday School, led Girl Scout troops, and been a corporate trainer for a retail chain. As a young adult, I modeled in boutique fashion shows. I now sometimes work as a freelance graphic artist and photographer; and with the publication of my debut novel Glory Bishop, I am officially an author.
How did you get into writing?
I don’t ever remember not being a writer. I started writing earnestly when I was 7. I still remember the poem I wrote for mother’s day.
Please describe what the book is about.
Glory Bishop must choose between living with her abusive mother while waiting for her boyfriend’s return, and an older man’s offer of freedom at a very high cost.
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Glory Bishop lives her life in pieces. At work and with her friends, she reads novels, speaks her mind, and enjoys slow dances and stolen kisses with her boyfriend, JT. But at home, Glory follows strict rules and second-guesses every step. Though she dreams of going to college and living like a normal teenage girl, her abusive mother has other ideas.
When JT leaves to join the navy, Glory is left alone and heartsick. The preacher’s son, Malcolm Porter, begins to shower her with lavish gifts, and her mother pushes Glory to accept his advances. Glory is torn between waiting for true love with JT or giving in to the overzealous Malcolm. When a stranger attacks Glory on the street, Malcolm steps in to rescue her, and her interest in him deepens. But the closer she gets to him, the more controlling he becomes. Glory must eventually decide whether to rely on others or to be her own savior. |
Share a teaser from your book.
She was standing at a softly rumbling dryer, folding “mountain fresh” scented towels, when she heard the door opening behind her.
“Hello, Miss Glory.”
She continued folding, pretending not to hear.
“I said, hello, Miss Glory.”
She would not give that devil’s son the satisfaction of responding.
The door closed, and she hoped he’d gone, but then he was behind her… his arms around her waist… his lips touching her shoulder. “Remember the first time you let me kiss you? You said you’d be my wife.”
Glory shrugged off the kiss and tried to ignore him—tried not to notice his scent or relax in his arms. She tried not to respond to his voice… tried not to care.
His lips touched the back of her neck. “Remember the second time you let me kiss you? You said you’d be my girl.”
Glory deliberately brushed his kiss from her neck and moved to the washing machine, careful to keep her back to him.
“Oh… so it’s like that now, huh? No problem. I’ll just sit down and watch you work. I’ve got all night. And you know, I always did appreciate you from behind, too.”
Glory growled under her breath, taking her annoyance out on the wet towels she pulled from the washer. She heard him sigh loudly as he settled down on the old couch. She whispered a prayer for patience and strength.
“Know what?” he asked. “I feel like singing.”
Glory continued her work and tried to ignore him as he flubbed his way through “Ribbon in the Sky” and “Isn’t She Lovely,” but when he started singing “Brick House,” she threw down the towel she was folding and gripped the edge of the table.
“Josiah Jackson, you leave me alone. Right now!”
“Oh… so you’re talking to me now, huh? I win big. I get to hear your pretty voice and look at your fine a—”
“No!” Glory turned to face him, arms folded, seething, channeling every bit of hurt and anger into a glare that she wished would burn him to cinders. “No. I’m not talking to you. I’m asking the devil to leave me alone! I’m asking Satan himself to leave me alone and never speak to me again.”
“Well,” he said, standing and moving toward her. “Your prayer is gonna be answered. I’m leaving for the navy tomorrow.”
He smiled. He actually smiled. That no-good lying two-timing devil smiled his smug smile—that I’m the finest boy in the world, and I know you agree smile. That I win smile.
Glory hated that smile. And she loved that smile. And all she could do was squeeze her eyes shut to keep the tears from spilling out.
Where did you get the idea?
Years ago I was in a writing class, and wrote a short story about a sheltered, repressed girl embarrassed about going to a party. That girl evolved into Glory.
What’s the story behind the title?
Back in 1998, I created an AOL screen name GLORY and I chose BISHOP as a last name because it’s the name of a street in a neighborhood where I lived as a child. I always wanted to go to the corner store on Bishop, but my mother would never let me. I’m glad my publisher liked the name… so we kept it.
No spoiler, but tell us something we won’t find out just by reading the book jacket.
Malcolm knows the bible by heart and speaks in bible verses when he’s excited
Tell us about your favourite character.
Malcolm is my favorite character. He has such a strong personality and is so sure of himself…but he can be vulnerable too.
If you could spend a day with one of your characters, who would it be and what would you do?
I’d spend the day with Glory; maybe try to show her things beyond what she knows.
Are your characters based on real people, or do they come from your imagination?
A little of both. Some of the characters are people I know, but most are from my imagination. Glory’s best friends are modelled after my friends from high school.
How long did you take to write this book?
About 25 years. I started it in 1992 and wrote off and on until 2016.
What kind of research did you do for this book?
I did quite a bit of research. I had to tour some places in Chicago and find the locations and names of 1980s businesses. The old Chicago Transit Authority map was fascinating, as was the history of some of the neighborhoods.
What did you remove from this book during the editing process?
For legal reasons we took out song lyrics and changed a few location names.
Are you a plotter or a pantser?
Actually, a little of both. I start the story; then write an outline. Then I change the outline as the story evolves.
What is your favorite part of your writing process, and why?
My favorite part is when I get into the zone and the story starts flowing and the characters take control of the narrative and I learn new things about them.
What is the most challenging part of your writing process, and why?
The most challenging part is discipline. I’m not too good at keeping my butt in the chair and my mind focused. The magic portal that is the internet often lures me in, and I waste time. When that happens, I try to turn that time into productive research…or so I tell myself.
Can you share your writing routine?
I write in spurts. I have had weeks where I laid on the couch and plotted the story scenes in my head. I’ve also had binges when I didn’t eat or sleep…just wrote for days on end.
Have you ever gotten writer’s block? If yes, how do you overcome it?
I get it frequently. When that happens, I usually switch to another part of the story and try working on that, or maybe work on a different book altogether. When it’s really bad, I read back over what I’ve already written and see where I can improve it.
If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?
Do not, under any circumstances, let your favorite aunt borrow ALL of your hand written only copies of your stories and essays to show her colleagues. You’ll never see them again.
How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?
I have 5 books up in the air right now. I’m actively working on two of them.
Do you have any writing quirks?
I will keep a song playing on repeat until I finish writing a scene, passage, or chapter. One song I played nonstop for three days.
Apart from novel writing, do you do any other kind(s) of writing?
I’m working on a memoir about my infertility battle, and I dabble in poetry occasionally.
What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
When I’m not writing, I like to cook, watch cartoons, and sit at my computer pretending to write.
Share something about you most people probably don’t know.
I’m a bread bender. I bake phenomenal breads and other high-carb, high-butter deliciousness.
Which book influenced you the most?
The Magician’s Nephew by C.S. Lewis
What are you working on right now?
Right now I’m working on the story of Glory’s mother and what in her life made her the way she is.
The book you’re currently reading
Breaking Out of Bedlam by Leslie Larson
What’s your favourite writing advice?
When writing in the fashion of the old masters, don’t answer a video phone call.
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Deborah King has been a writer and storyteller her whole life. She published her first short story when she was seven years old. Her writing runs the gamut from poetry and women’s fiction, to espionage and science fiction. Her upcoming debut novel Glory Bishop, is scheduled for release in 2019. When she’s not writing, Deborah enjoys cartoons, cooking, photography, and Star Trek. Born and raised in Chicago, Deborah has managed to achieve all of her childhood dreams and still lives in the area with her husband and two youngest children. According to her daughter, she has “literally aced her life!
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