Hello and welcome to my mid-week Writer In Motion process post. In last week’s revisions, I fleshed out the story to 1300 words, then trimmed off errant phrases and tightened …

Hello and welcome to my mid-week Writer In Motion process post. In last week’s revisions, I fleshed out the story to 1300 words, then trimmed off errant phrases and tightened …
Hello, hello, it’s week four already (holy crap!) and this week we focused on self-edits. After four passes, okay maybe five if you count adding the word “a” and a …
I finally have the revision elements added in (I hope) and I’ve stitched the structure back together. I’ve been tackling lines to tighten up the prose and slid in at …
Revisions are underway on the first draft of my short story, Ketoshé 12, and already I’m banging my head against the desk. My readers last week provided beautiful insights, so …
Howdy! Included below is my first draft in all its flaming glory of terribleness. I wrote the first draft by hand and transcribed it exactly as written. There are spelling …