Why I picked up this book: I received this ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review. Okay, let’s be super honest . . . I adore M. …

Why I picked up this book: I received this ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review. Okay, let’s be super honest . . . I adore M. …
Why I picked up this book: I recently read the first book in this series, The Machine, and utterly fell in love with the world, the characters, and everything about …
Why I picked up this book: I’ve seen this cover around the internet block a few times and always loved the design. As I read the blurb for the story, …
Why I picked up this book: I was strolling around Twitter when I saw a tweet from the author that her ARC was on NetGalley. I’d read her story Breath …
Why I picked up this book: When I saw Ms. Stephanie put out the call for ARC reviews on her debut, I jumped at the chance to get a first …