Last year when the PitchWars Mentor Blog Hop went live, two things happened: the party on the hashtag got a little crazier, and my stress level shot up. It was …

Last year when the PitchWars Mentor Blog Hop went live, two things happened: the party on the hashtag got a little crazier, and my stress level shot up. It was …
Good Morning! I’ve been dying to write this post for some time, and with the #PitchWars hashtag party in full swing, now is as good a time as any. …
Welcome to Hàlön Chronicles! Home of dragons and spaceships (soon in a novel together), swords and sorcery. I currently reside in the misty woods and mountainous terrain of the Pacific …
July is here, and the #PitchWars hashtag party has begun. Writers are connecting to other writers, making new friends and CPs (critique partners), and the mentors have started their hilarious, …