Writer In Motion is a funny thing. When the idea first sparked last spring, I had just finished grieving one of my favorite stories. I’d worked so hard for a …

Writer In Motion is a funny thing. When the idea first sparked last spring, I had just finished grieving one of my favorite stories. I’d worked so hard for a …
Hello Everyone! Last week I sent my story off to S. M. Roffey and the lovely Carly Hayward of Book Light Editorial. Both found several places to tweak the final …
Yesterday was the first of three Writer In Motion blog posts in a row, and I chatted a bit about what happens when your readers want your story to have …
One of the things I love most about Writer In Motion is it offers writers a clear understanding of their own personal struggles. Over the last several weeks I’ve had …
Self-revision week is nearly over for Writer In Motion. Exhaustion set in last weekend after I shared the first draft of my story, both physical and emotion, so I took …