Genorä (Greetings) from Starship Hàlön. Or as I like to call it… my blog.

Sunday is the day I check over my goals for the previous week and start laying out work for the week ahead. It’s also the day I’m catching up on laundry, scrubbing the disaster zone disguised as my house, and side-eyeing food in the refrigerator that refuses to cook itself.

The Ready Room will become a set of articles released on Sundays. I’ll explore a variety of topics to get writers and bloggers ready for the week ahead. Most information will come from my own experience with writing, media, development and design, though some topics may come from a discussion that piques my interest. I read and research a broad range of topics, so I can in no way guarantee that anyone who reads them won’t be falling down rabbit holes with me.

That said though, if there’s a topic you’d like to see on this blog—something that has to do with digital media, science fiction and fantasy lore, or writing in general—feel free to shoot me an email via the nifty form. I’m happy to new topics to the roster.

Cheers! 🙂

K.J. Harrowick

Adult Fantasy & Science Fiction Writer. Dragon Lover. Creator of #13Winterviews. #RewriteItClub Co-Host. Red Beer + Black & Blue Burger = ❤️

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