K. J. Harrowick is a fantasy and science fiction writer with a deep love for portal worlds, old growth forests, bizarre dragons, and fiery romantic entanglements. In her early years, she loved to cozy up on her library’s giant orange couches with books by Andre Norton, which is where she first fell in love with fantasy world adventures.

This love continued well into adulthood with the worlds of Ivan Cat, Darren Survari, C. J. Cherryh, and Rand & Robin Miller. In 2004, she began to build her own exotic worlds and create fantasy languages, toying around with ideas for characters, cultures, and magic systems. A few years later she was writing stories and stuffing them in the darkest corner under her bed where they’d never see the light of day. But her heart couldn’t stay away, and in 2014 it became a full-blown passion to write and publish her own books.

Currently she resides in the rainy Pacific Northwest where she works as a freelance web developer and graphic designer on a broad range of client projects. When she’s not saving the digital world, K. J. manages several online writing communities and writes dark fantasy and science fiction tales, often blending them together with traces of steampunk, a giant dash of romance, and portal worlds filled with dragons. K. J. has an Associates Degree in Independent Studies.

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